Businesses are constantly evolving in response to various external factors that have changed the way trade is financed. In recent times, businesses have adapted to economic challenges by offering extended credit terms and in many cases; retaining the title of goods until the invoice has been settled. This extends to businesses operating as landlords, where mediation often leads to landlords accepting extended repayment proposals from their tenants.
We are all too aware that businesses put their own liquidity at stake by taking on the role of ‘lender’ but in the absence of alternative credit terms and increasing competition, a business may feel they are caught between a rock and a hard place. We are here to assist your client in recovering assets, rent arrears and property by providing commercial solutions that avoid insolvency remedies such as winding-up petitions.
Has the customer failed to pay the invoice and your client has retention of title? Perhaps the goods were sold in good faith and the customer is refusing to make payment? Has the company entered administration or maybe a CVA? Whatever the scenario, help is at hand to explain the options you have for recovering your goods.
In some cases, our agents can recover the goods under retention of title contractual agreements that allow us to enter the premises of your customer. It may also be possible to recover goods where the customer has entered an insolvency process. If the title has passed to the customer, we can also assist with enforcing a Writ of delivery should the defendant fail to comply with the return of goods order.
We can either work with your vehicle recovery contractors or utilise our recovery services, which extend to sale by public auction.
We assist commercial litigation solicitors in recovering commercial rent arrears and peaceable re-entry where the tenant or borrower covenants are in breach. The process is relatively straightforward and involves our agents attending the premises to either recover rent or the property. We serve notices where required and our agents can attend in as little as 24 hours for re-entry in respect of rent arrears. Whilst there is always a risk of gaining peaceable re-entry to mixed-use properties, there are several instances where it is lawful to forfeit the lease in this manner. We can act as agents of the involuntary bailee and provide a wide range of security solutions.
There are an increasing number of commercial agreements being made in respect of residential property. What was once an area limited to accommodation provided to ‘workers’ has evolved into numerous growing sectors, including rent to rent, property guardians and temporary accommodation hostels. Please contact us to establish whether the occupants are subject to the Protection from Eviction Act 1977.
Has your business been the victim of a trespasser encampment? Are travellers preventing you from carrying out your normal trade? Whilst these groups are often amicable, there are numerous risks in agreeing to pay them to leave or taking their word that they will vacate in a few days. We act swiftly to remove the trespassers and put you back in control of your premises.