In today’s economic climate, an increasing number of businesses and consumers are acquiring goods on hire purchase, PCP, lending and leasing agreements. The increase in these funding methods has led to a stark rise in the default of such contracts. Whilst the title is retained by the supplier in leasing agreements, there are numerous instances where the title is retained by the lender in the loan contract. We are at hand to assist with recovering goods with retention of title, whether the creditor is the supplier or lender. Our agents follow strict guidelines in recovering such assets to avoid any claims of harassment or trespass. From locating the asset to returning it to its destination, we also offer disposal by public auction for your convenience.
A bill of sale is a document that transfers the title of goods to a third party but allows the original owner to retain possession and use of the goods in exchange for monies. Providing that the bill has been registered in the High Court and the agreement is in default; our agents can recover the goods to the grantee.
Insolvency practitioners can utilise our services to recover assets pursuant to the Insolvency Act 1986. Section 365 of said legislation, allows for the official receiver or trustee in bankruptcy to obtain a Warrant for the delivery of any property or information subject to the proceedings. Our agents are available to enforce the search and seizure warrant where there is a risk the property may otherwise be dissipated.
Where title has passed to the borrower or lessor, a claimant often has no alternative but to seek an Order for delivery or Return of goods order. There are various other proceedings where a party is ordered to return specific goods to its rightful owner and a Writ of delivery is sought to enforce the terms of the Order. The writ can include the alternative to pay the assessed value of goods pursuant to Civil Procedure Rule 83.9(3) and 83.14(2)(a).
Our agents have unparalleled experience and expertise with an extensive range of assets recovered including static caravans, motor vehicles, stock, machinery, documents and even pets. We can either sell the goods by public auction or return them to your depot.